Hey people, today i will share some experiences of my life's most adventourous trip with all of you and why its so adventurous, lets see !!
We 5 people planned for a trip to Algonquin Park, which is around 7-8 hours journey from Toronto.
We had to catch the bus at 7.00 in morning. 3 of us( Me, Farhan & Amjath ) reached by 6.45 and there was absolutely no clue as to where the two others were..
The Bus arrived at 7.15 and we thought that only 3 of us are going for trip !!
And guess what - as the Bus started, our two lazy frends came rushing ( Sandeep & Sumit ) - my God there is a limit to being lazy !! anyway, so we started off smoothly.. After two hours our Bus stopped and we enjoyed Hot coffee at Tim Hortons. We had already started enjoying the Fall Colours !! The next stop of the Bus was "Honeymoon Lake" and one of our friends Farhan had some honeymoon making with the Lake !!
Actually, what happened - he was walking on the Wooden Board and asking Sumit to take his picture as he will be walking backwards. And suddenly, in a fraction of second, he was in Lake desperately looking for help !!
Now, on the other side, Amjath was busy taking my picture. But this guy Amjath is really so Cool..
Guess what, he calmly said to me," Hey Ankit, you know this guy Farhan, he just fell into lake "
And i was shocked !! A streamer was nearby which saved him.. Otherwise i was about to jump and save him ( now i am saying so, but at that time we were all afraid !!! )
After this we came back to Bus, and guess what everyone was asking this guy,"How was the water- Was is Cold ?"
One chinese guy asked," Hey man why you were swimming using back stroke ?"
Now we had something to talk about in bus and we enjoyed a lot with this guy !!
There were some more stops and we were enjoying the Fall colours..
.. All the leaves had gone yellow, orange it was amazing !!!
Well, only thing to complain was the movie that we had to watch in the Bus..
Well, you know why? it was a chinese tour bus and we indians didnt knew a single word in chinese !!! Anyway, we managed the torture !!!
Finally, we were about to reach our home in around 1 hour and as i already said that this was the most adventourous journey, so something strange happened again ! The bus driver left us at Missasagua instead of Toronto, and guess what - the tour travel Guide ( Frank) who was with us all-through the journey
went running away somewhere..
We 5 people were stranded in such a cold night and had to come to Toronto via Taxi Cab !!
Well it seems that the journey has finished, but wait, there is something which is to go wrong again..
We got down from Taxi at Union Station and took the train towards Bloor. I wanted to take a pic of all 5 of us in train and so, i set the timer and clicked the camera. its a 12 sec timer. Just at the 12th second, the train Halted, the camera Clicked !! and i just managed to Catch it from the place where i had kept it !!!
Well thats how we have an adventourous, exciting, Shall i say fearful for some- well, very funny journey !!
And guys, we paid 40$ for taxi but driver gave us a 50$ bill, so we had a 10$ party also !!!
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