Monday, April 6, 2009

Never Say Die - Battling HIV with Biceps - Bravo Pradip Kumar !!

Todya, I read about this guy Pradip Kumar in Times of india and couldn't stop myself sharing his inspirational story with my blog readers. This picture depicts bodybuilder Pradip Kumar flexing his muscles during a body building championship at the Netaji Indoor Stadium in Kolkata on Saturday.

The 38-year-old from Manipur is just like any other fitness freak who can benchpress 200 pounds for a warm-up. The only thing that makes him different is he’s a HIV-positive and that the deadly disease hasn’t stopped him from living life to the fullest.

Pradip was into drugs and that's how he contracted the disease. But being HIV didn' t let him down. Infact, he used his anger and pain to become strong and channelised his emotions into body building.

I believe that Pradip is a role model for millions suffering from HIV and offers a ray of hope to them.

Hats off to Pradip for his spirit and that's why he was chosen as a brand ambassador of HIV/AIDS in 2008 by the Manipur State AIDS Control Society.


Taka said...

Being HIV positive is not the end of the world. I think it's good for this guy that he didn't let this problem affect him.

Surely an inspiration to other HIV positive people out there.

system said...

Nice Site.

namrata said...

Hi Ankit.I am a student of NUJS Kolkatta currently working at Breakthrough, Delhi. This post caught my eye as it very sensitively deals with the most pertinent issue of HIV patients needing motivation from people like Pradip Kumar. And you have managed to put the issue in focus quite well.

Breakthrough conducts a very vibrant and robust education programme for youth and community leaders, who we believe will be catalysts for change. Our trainings mostly centre around women's rights, HIV/AIDS and sexuality. And we believe that experiences from the field need to be documented and highlighted.

Well, I work on a youth oriented site called and would love for you to blog on it. Like I've already mentioned, we have posts very similar to yours, talking about grassroot level experiences both from within and without - in a category called "Rural Window".

Please visit the site and do write back to me at about your thoughts on the campaign.And if you're interested, do blog on the site as well. And if you're a regular blogger, we'd be happy to put you on our blogroll and crosslink your blog page on our site.

Thanks and hoping to hear from you,

Ankit Arora said...

Dear Namrata,

Thank you for your comment !
Yes, i am a regular blogger and i blog about varied topics. I blog about HIV AIDS as India is 2nd in the world in num of HIV and people hesitate to talk about it. I take time to spread awareness about it.
I am also a certified HIV AIDS peer educator and have taken some seminars at workplace about Myths and misconceptions about HIV

I would be glad to assist you in any way

Thanks n Regards

Ankit Arora

Raxit Sheth said...


i would say really Kudos ! Never tell you lost !
