LifeMojo- Giving new dimensions to weight loss and healthy living
I was keeping an eye on my weight for sometime since Mar 2009. I realised that i was a bit overweight. My weight was around 70 kg in aug. It was high time to do something. I was fed up of comments from my friends and family that i looked fat now compared to an year ago.It was 14th aug 2009 when i decided that i need to do something. I recalled that I was already using free service of LifeMojo( http://www.lifemojo.com/). They provide a good interface using which i could analyse my BMI, fat percentage etc. Another good thing was that i could see how much calories i will consume - that too in indian context. Example 1 katori dal= 200 cal etc.
I had a talk with Himanshu( founder, director LifeMojo) how LifeMojo started. He told me that his CEO ( Namit Nangia) was overweight and Namit lost around 25 kgs in just 30 days by eating only salads. But he regained the weight pretty quickly. Namit realized that since he was not following a proper diet, he couldnt lose weight as he wanted to. And as they say, in every problem lies an opportunity. And that's how LifeMojo was born. Namit not only helped himself lose weight in a proper way, but also made something ( LifeMojo) that can help everyone keep tabs on his/her weight !!!
Lifemojo's website gives a lot of information about managing weight and taking proper diet, but what i was missing was i dint know how much to eat and how much excercise i should do and how to plan my diet. Thanks to LifeMojo for their personal diet consultant service - which i joined on 18 Aug 2009. It's been a month now and i have lost 1.5 inch on my waist and 1.5 kgs in weight. Though the weigt loss is not much, but still i feel that in next 1 month, i ll be able to reduce around 3 kgs compared to my weight in June-Jul 2009.
The diet consultancy service comes at an affordable price and that too their follow up is v good. During one month period, i was adviced by 2 nutritionists- Deepthi and Vidya. Deepthi used to tell me to make sure that i eat more salad, have curd sometimes during my lunch, and do jogging instead of walking everyday atleast for 20 minutes.
On the other hand, Vidya helped me by giving my links to videos which helped me to learn how to do some specific excercises like tummy trimming excercise etc. According to Vidya, you can lose weight without feeling hungry. The idea is to eat 5-6 times a day, that too small meals each time. She also insists that if I get bored of salads, i can take fruits as an alternative.
Few good things that i have felt by taking this service are that LifeMojo will send you an email each day, specifying what you should be eating that day. For e.g. in morning, in mid-morning, during lunch, in evening and during night- so your meal is planned for whole day. You need to be motivated to do what they suggest and be honest with yourself in not eating anything extra. Deepthi did gave me freedom that on sunday, i can eat and plan my diet myself :)
All in all my experience with LifeMojo has been really good. Their team was highly professional and their follow up - twice a week was perfect till last day ! They also have a google sms channel which you can subscribe to keep getting updates on your mobile.
So this is my post about how lifemojo's diet consultancy works :) and also a testimonial for LifeMojo's service.
So guys, what are you waiting for ? If you want to lose weight, and that too without feeling hungry, join http://www.lifemojo.com/ or contact the guys at lifemojo. They ll be happy to help you :)
I guess, been a long post now ! I remember it's time for my next meal. Till next time, have a healthy living and fruit-FULL eating.
I have also taken their service for a month and loss 2 kg. :), I love the variation they put in my diet from oat biscuits,soups, fruits to a lot many things, their service is excellent.
@Himanshu Garg:
Yes, they vary your diet a lot. And i guess that's the reason people lose weight, because it improves metabolism.
I agree that they are doing a wonderful work, and they keep coming up with new ideas !
Am glad you liked the article. Yes, you are free to re-distribute it as long as the content is not changed and author is given a back-link :))
Hmm..Something to brag abt ur Testi.. Me shedding and going gaga to folow Lifemojo as per your advice after reading your experience..
And gaining motivation after seeing ur determination and SPIRIT for being so discretional.
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