Sunday, August 9, 2009

Download FREE IELTS Crack Book - Prepare for Listening, Writing and Speaking

Download FREE IELTS Crack Book - Prepare for Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking

Hello dear readers,

I have been getting good feedback about my previous posts on IELTS preparation. I was wondering if i could ease the process of checking my posts on IELTS and it striked me that why not make a Free IELTS Crack book which will have the blog posts on IELTS Listening, reading, writing and speaking..

So, I have prepared the free IELTS Crack Book. Here is the screenshot of it's first page:

So here I am, providing you the link to the free IELTS Crack Book that i have prepared.
Here is the download link for version 1.0 of FREE IELTS Crack Book:

Do let me know how this sounds to you and if there is something more that you would like me to come up with in next version of this crack book. Pls do leave a comment how you felt about the free IELTS crack book.

Till then happy downloading !!


Anuj said...

thank you ankit for crack book its very helpful

EnglishMastery said...

Thank you Ankit, These tips are very helpful. I wish I had same english skills in all the module, as you do.
Again, Thank you for your crackbook and tips

nancy john said...

Nice post about ielts books. it will be helpful for students

Anonymous said...

how you got this idea for creating the ielts crack book,this is simply superb............

nancy john said...

After attemting for my IELTS five times I had to get professional help and nothing like enrolling in Insearch I had an amazing support team that helped me clear and achieve my required target.

important ESL writing